Sign up: Monday, June 11, 2019




ARISE Together in Christ
Information Session

Presented by RENEW International



You are invited to learn more about how ARISE Together in Christ can transform your parish and start you on the road to becoming a community of evangelizers.  

This interactive experience will:

  • Explain why evangelization matters to your parish
  • Offer a clear understanding of ARISE Together in Christ and how it unfolds
  • Highlight resources and materials
  • Describe the support from RENEW International
  • Provide clear next steps for getting started. 

Pastors, parish staff, and lay leaders are encouraged to attend. Time will be provided for questions and answers.


Presented by RENEW International, a Catholic ministry organization that has served as a trusted partner to parishes and dioceses for four decades. RENEW is the leader in parish spiritual renewal and evangelization that have spread to 24 countries around the world.