RENEW International announces a new partnership with the former Woodstock Business Conference to promote moral leadership among Catholics at work, at home and in the community. As part of RENEW International, the newly renamed Ignatian Business Chapters (IBC) will expand into parishes around the country.
For 25 years, the Woodstock Business Conference operated under the sponsorship of the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, forming university-based groups with Catholic business professionals to dialogue about moral issues in business. With the closing of the Center, a new identity was sought. As part of RENEW International, Ignatian Business Chapters will continue that work, expanding outreach and capitalizing on RENEW’s 40 years of experience establishing parish-based small groups. "IBC has found not only a new home but a new future as well with this partnership with RENEW," says John Fontana, Director of Ignatian Business Chapters.
Chapters will also benefit from RENEW International’s experience creating highly effective materials for small groups. The Dynamic Leader: Balancing Faith and Work is a new resource from RENEW, based on the work of Chris Lowney, renowned author on Catholic leadership. The resource was created to support the work of the Chapters and combines the Ignatian spirituality of the Jesuits with Lowney’s modern leadership insights to prompt meaningful thought and conversation, and provides an ideal launching pad for new groups.
Ignatian Business Chapters director, John Fontana, and Catholic leadership author, Chris Lowney,
proudly display a copy a copy of The Dynamic Leader: Balancing Faith and Work. |
Ignatian Business Chapters focus on the values and ethical decision-making model of Jesuit philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan, SJ, and seek to engage lay professionals in transformative action. Some ongoing groups have been meeting for as long as 20 years and members have seen the benefits accrue personally and professionally through monthly meetings which help bring their work and faith lives into balance.
For more information about forming an Ignatian Business Chapter, or using The Dynamic Leader: Balancing Faith and Work, please contact John Fontana at or visit